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Best websites and platforms for online learning

 The best online learning sites, invest your time and occasionally update your laws, develop your self and develop your abilities to become special among everyone. No human being in this life has succeeded by accident, hence we will introduce you to the most famous e-learning sites.

Best websites and platforms for online learning

Online Learning Features:

Ask for knowledge from cradle to grave, we all have the same time but differ in its investment from person to person, hence we will show you the importance of investing time and learning what is new by following intensive online courses:

  • You can choose the specialty or field you want to learn and deepen further.
  • You can choose the right way for you and it's easy to learn, as multiple ways are an advantage for you here.
  • A highlight of e-learning is that it is available to you to choose the right time to learn.
  • You can get certified certificates so you can add them to your CV.
  • Following you through on many courses and obtaining certified certificates will give you several opportunities and functions characterized by excellent material return.
  • Following you through on many courses and obtaining certified certificates will give you several opportunities and functions characterized by excellent material return.
  • Costs are much lower as many sites offer distinctive free courtesies that can change your life for the better.
  • This enables you to rely on yourself and achieve what you seek.
  • This helps you invest your time and yourself properly because the best investment is your investment for yourself and your mind.
  • You can listen to electronic coursework in transport.
  • Online learning improves your social relationships and helps you know many people in your same field, allowing you to share experiences with them.

Best Online Learning Sites:

There are many sites and platforms that we advise you if you want to learn online, from the following months:


One of the most powerful and best online learning sites where many free English courses are offered in different fields of global universities such as Oxford, Harvard.


One of the most popular online learning sites with at least 15,000 courses, some free and some paid in different areas: photography, marketing, management, design, entrepreneurship and much more, subscribing to the platform monthly and initially you will get a free month for registration.


Odacetti has partnered with several global companies, including Google, Facebook, etc. We find that the site features many distinctive coursework in several areas, most notably Web Development, Data Analysis, Mobile Development.


One of the best sites to publish fun scientific and historical facts from trusted importers and certified and specialized destinations, so it is an ideal choice for fans of science fiction and historical information.


One of the most prominent online learning sites, it features many coursework from international universities in Arabic and English, offering at least 800 free courses in different fields.

    Open Hpi:

One of the largest online learning platforms in information technology and computer science, it is characterized by offering high quality lessons in English and all that you can get for free.


The most popular site in Arabic learning where the number of learners on the Idraq platform reaches at least 2 million and a half learners, you will be able to develop many technical and professional skills by following Idraq website.

    Digital photography school:

The site is the best to improve photography skills, and one of the most popular courses offered by the site and we advise you: Night Photography, 31 Days to Becoming a Better Photographer.

    Khan Academy:

The platform offers many academic learning resources free of charge and provides you with theoretical resources that you can easily get at no material cost.

    Investopedia Academy:

One of the most outstanding sites in the field of investment and marketing as well as personal finance, we recommend that you follow these courses so that you can control your financial future.


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